Time once again for the SKCC WES

 Just when you thought it was safe, it is time once again for the Straight Key Century Club's WeekEnd Sprint.

 The Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) is a group of morse code enthusiasts from around the world that love and promote morse code. It is free to join, and new people are always encouraged. Doesn't matter if you have been doing morse code (CW) for 10 minutes or ten years, everyone is welcome. Answer a CQ at your speed, and the member will slow down to match your speed as you make a new contact and a new friend. You can find out more information about the SKCC group and the WES at SKCC

 This weekend I will be taking the Johnson Ranger II transmitter for a walk across the band as it drifts past with it's monsterous 50 watt signal and a Hammarlund HQ-150 that is all fixed up pretty and aligned and ready to rock N roll on the airwaves

 And if you are NEW to CW be sure to check out The beginners corner also.

From the SKCC web page.

The Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) is the fastest growing group of mechanical-key CW operators in the world. First organized in January 2006, our club has grown rapidly to include thousands of members from all corners of the globe.
Here's how it works:
  • Membership is free.
  • SKCC is open to any interested licensed radio amateur.
  • SKCC numbers are issued for life. Once you get it, it's yours.
  • Exchange SKCC numbers using a straight key, bug, or side swiper
To receive an SKCC number, click on the Request SKCC Number link at left. If you are helping someone who wants to join but doesn't use email, download a snail-mail application here.