A Galaxy DX11B nightmare

 MY trip around the Galaxy DX11b 

Been working on a Galaxy DX11B 10M export radio this week and trying to undo all the modifications that have been done to it. I mainly want to use it as a dedicated 10M radio for when the band opens up. The problem is that i have not yet found the right combination to make it cover only the 10M band (28.000 - 29.7000 MHZ).

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 The Galaxy DX11B 10M export radio was sold back in the early nineties and exported into the US as a 10M ham radio. With the popularity of CB it was real easy to take this radio and modify it for illegal CB use. When the modifications were done you had coverage from 25.615 MHZ up into the 10M ham band at 28.315. It also puts out more power than a regular 5W CB at 30W. This made for a very powerful radio back then.

 The problem with this is the F.C.C type acceptance. All CB radio's in the US have to comply to strict standards of power output and filtering to avoid interference. As soon as they are modified in any way, the radio loses that type acceptance and is illegal to use. That is one of the nice things about having a ham radio license. I can take a regular radio from ANY service and modify it for ham radio use. I cant however, take a radio from the amateur radio service and modify it for another service.

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Been following the alignment procedure over at cbtricks and have ran into either a bug in my radio or a typo on there web page. According to the VCO alignment steps, i should have 3.2 Vdc at 26.965. On the bottom end I should be at 2.0Vdc and on the top end it should be 5.0Vdc. In my Galaxy these are just the opposite.

25.615 : 5.7
26.965 : 4.84
28.315 : 2.4

 If i center the middle frequency at 3.2 then the top frequency voltage goes down below 1V and it no longer locks the PLL.
 I have contacted the people at CBTRICKS but have not heard from them yet. I have gone to the Galaxy web site but have not yet seen any support for this radio. I Hope to hear something from them soon as well. Galaxy radios at Amazon