wow, i have to say that I am pretty stoked right now. Just got informed that after a bit of a delay the Johnson Adventurer is on it's way. I am really excited to dig into this radio and put it to good use. Plus I got it for the cost of shipping, which wasn't too bad. I love Ham radio !!!
According to The Radio Museum the Johson Adventurer was a CW 80M-10M crystal controlled transmitter produced by EF Johnson between 1954 to 1963. The input power was about 50W. The transmitter was aimed at the novice market.
Amateur radio operator W0NGA has views of a rebuild that he did on a Johnson Adventurer where you can view before and after pictures.
I hope to put this radio on a Variac and get it on the aire as soon as I can find some 40M & 80M crystals. Keep your fingers crossed that I dont hurt
According to The Radio Museum the Johson Adventurer was a CW 80M-10M crystal controlled transmitter produced by EF Johnson between 1954 to 1963. The input power was about 50W. The transmitter was aimed at the novice market.
Amateur radio operator W0NGA has views of a rebuild that he did on a Johnson Adventurer where you can view before and after pictures.
I hope to put this radio on a Variac and get it on the aire as soon as I can find some 40M & 80M crystals. Keep your fingers crossed that I dont hurt