Well, after much debating, I have decided to see what kind of trading I can do to get some other sort of radio. I love the PROIII, it is a beautiful radio, I just cant get past the idea of tying up 2 antenna's to use the darn thing. Other than that, it is one of the best receivers I have ever seen. I wa hopingto trade into a SDR setup, and even went as far as to put that in my ad on QTH, but so far, 2 people have offered a FLEXradio of some sort, only to dissapear, and quit responding to my ad's. Another gentleman offered a Collins receiver, only to dissapear as well. I have an offer for an icom 7000, but this person seems to not be responding, although that would be ideal for me, since it is a lesser radio, but everything works. I am almost to the point where I am just goingto hold on to the PROIII, until I can save up the money to get if fixed myself, and just use it for contesting/ DX'ing. Very nice radio, with all the features I could ever dream of, just have to save up enough (around 100 bucks) to get it fixed. decision time.